Hope Deferred

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.” — Proverbs 13:12, NLT

This verse shows the strength of hope and the joy experienced when our dreams and hopes are fulfilled. We have all had times when our hopes have been dashed. It might be a hope that hasn't materialized or a predicament that doesn't seem to have an answer. In that situation, we might experience disappointment and uncertainty. I remember experiencing this when we were in preparation to move to New Orleans. Everything seemed impossible. We had to come to the place where we gave our dream back to the Lord and told Him to give it back to us in His timing. If you’re familiar with our story, you know He came through in such a supernatural, undeniable, miraculous way. After years of adversity, our dream was fulfilled. Everything came into place, doors opened, provision was abundant, and hope was restored. Our dream was fulfilled.

If I can be candid, it bothers me that most people only quote the first half of this verse: “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” That is true— just as true as the rest of the Bible—but let's not forget the verse doesn't end there! The second half of the verse presents us with a different vantage point. It shows us that when our dreams come true, they are like a tree of life. There is joy, peace, and abundance, and everything is in perfect order. What seemed to take over our whole being negatively, making our heart sick, affecting every area of our life is now taking over positively. Instead of the core of our being infected with despair, our whole being is infused with divine life and restored joy. 

So all that to say, do not give up hope. Keep in mind that there is always a glimmer of light, even in the worst circumstances. The fulfillment of our hope is sweet to our souls. God, who seemed hidden in the adversity, becomes visible in the fulfillment. Perhaps this is a time of delayed hope for you. Maybe your heart feels sick. Don’t give up. Because when God’s dream for you is fulfilled, it will be fruitful, beautiful, strong, and resilient, like a tree of life.
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