Enoch: Eternal Over Temporal

“Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him” — Gen. 5:24 ESV 

I heard a story about a girl who came home from church and told her mother that she had learned about Enoch in Sunday School. Her mother asked her to explain the details of the story, so the little girl explained it this way: “Every day, Enoch would walk to God’s house. One day, God said, ‘Enoch, you’re closer to my house than you are to yours. Why don’t you just come live at my house?’”

Enoch was a mysterious character. Genesis 5:24 says, “Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.” The fact that he walked with God implies intimacy with him — living his life before the Lord, in the presence of the Lord, in the fear of the Lord. “Walking with the Lord” carries with it the concept that where I go, he goes, and vice versa. Walking with God means that you have an awareness of His presence every day. It means that everywhere you go and everything you do and say has an overarching theme: God is with me, God is watching me, and my goal is to live in fellowship with him and to please him.

Building on this thought, I would submit that Enoch was taken to heaven because he had a revelation of eternity. You could say Enoch was heavenly minded. Eternity was so real to him that he ended up there without seeing death. He had his own personal, private rapture. Suddenly, he transitioned from this life and was translated to the next, without dying!

Do you think about eternity? If you inventoried your thought life for the past week or month, would you say you are setting your mind on things above (Colossians 3:1-2)? If not, perhaps your walk with God is suffering because you have your eyes in the wrong direction as you walk. Walk with God, and look to the things above. Make it your ambition to be heavenly minded. One day you will see Him face to face.

This blog is an excerpt from Robert Presson’s devotional book, “People Of His Presence,” available on Amazon: Click here to purchase on Amazon.  Alternatively, the book is available for free when you give a donation of any amount to City Revival Ministries at cityrevivalnola.com/givePlease indicate that you would like the book when you give.

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