Samuel: An Ear To Hear

“Then the Lord called Samuel” — 1 Samuel 3:4 ESV   

Samuel had two things that made him successful as a man of God — a calling and a covering. This is why he was able to not only hear from God, but to speak for God.

First, Samuel had a calling. 

As you read 1 Samuel 3, you read about when Samuel first heard the voice of God. He thought it was the voice of a man — specifically, the voice of Eli the priest. Eli caught on after a few instances of Samuel asking if he was calling. He perceived that it was the Lord who was calling the boy, so he encouraged him to pursue the voice of the Lord for himself. He went from being unfamiliar with the voice of God to being a prophet who spoke for God. But notice this: He had to come to the realization that it was not the religious system that was calling him, but rather God himself who was calling him. Eli the priest represents the religious system of his day. Samuel had an encounter with the voice of God, and immediately grew in hearing God’s voice, because he had to differentiate and make sure that he wasn’t just hearing from man (1 Samuel 3:4-9). This assurance that God was calling him launched him into prophetic ministry.

Samuel also had a covering. 

“…his mother used to make for him a little robe and take it to him each year when she went up with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice” (1 Samuel 2:18-19). Mantles, robes, and coats in the Bible represent anointing under the protection of a spiritual covering (think Elijah and Elisha). Samuel’s mother literally birthed him in prayer, dedicated him in prayer, and released him into his destiny in prayer. That is a covering. But notice there was a new robe every year (2:19), symbolizing a new anointing for a new season. Samuel was covered during every new season.

Who covers you? Do you have someone who checks on you to make sure you are on track? If you weren’t born with one, seek one out immediately! You will be covered to walk in your calling.

This blog is an excerpt from Robert Presson’s devotional book, “People Of His Presence,” available on Amazon: Click here to purchase on Amazon.  Alternatively, the book is available for free when you give a donation of any amount to City Revival Ministries at indicate that you would like the book when you give.

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