The Resurrection & The Life

“I am the resurrection and the life” — John 11:25 ESV

The resurrection is at the heart of the gospel.  It is what the message of the gospel is about. Paul said “Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead according to my gospel (1 Tim. 2:8).  He also said the gospel was that “Christ died and was buried and was raised on the third day” (1 Cor. 15:1-4).  Furthermore, there are fifteen sermons in the Book of Acts, and every single one of them mentions the resurrection of Christ.  Which is remarkable, since not all of them even mention the crucifixion of Christ!

What are the implications of the resurrection?  That we can be born again, die to our old life, live a new life, we can live forever, and even now, nothing is impossible.

In Mark 5, Jairus’ daughter lay sick, and Jairus was desperate to get Jesus to come and intervene — to come and lay His hands on her and pray for her so that she would be healed and wouldn’t die.  As he was waiting on his miracle, the woman with the issue of blood interrupted and got her miracle.  As soon as that happened, someone came and told Jairus that it was too late.  Her daughter had died.  As Jairus’ heart began to sink within him, he was shocked that Jesus still wanted to come pay the girl a visit.  As soon as Jesus entered the room, He kicked everyone out except Peter, James, and John, and raised the girl from the dead.  Jairus didn’t see that coming.  He had a revelation of Jesus as the Healer, but had no idea that He was the Resurrection and the Life.  Are you facing an impossibility today? Maybe you’re wondering if God will come through.  I wonder if you have him in a box.  I wonder if He wants to show you a new dimension of Himself as He breaks through in your situation with the declaration that nothing is impossible, because He is the God who gives life to the dead and makes the impossible possible.  

This blog is an excerpt from Robert Presson’s devotional book, “Look to Jesus,” available for a donation of any amount at Please indicate that you would like the book when you give.
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