The Holy Spirit With You

“The Spirit… dwells with you and will be in you” — John 14:17

The Bible teaches that there are three levels of relationship that a person can have with the Holy Spirit.  You might refer to these three levels of relationship as three “positions” the Holy Spirit can have in relation to yourself. The Holy Spirit can be with you, in you, and upon you.  These three English words are translated from three separate Greek words (par, en, epi). We will look at each one of these.  First, let’s look at the concept that the Holy Spirit is with you.  

The Holy Spirit is omnipresent—He is everywhere. David makes this clear in Psalm 139:7, when he says, “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?” That means that at all times He is present, not just in places that we think of as being holy, but also places that are unholy. He is in every church, but He is also in every crack house. He is present in prayer rooms but He is also present in bar rooms. He is with saved people, but He is also with lost people.  And what is He doing when He is “with” the lost?

Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would “convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment” (John 16:8). He is with the lost people of the world to draw them into a relationship with Jesus Christ. His presence is one of conviction. Just like Jesus always pointed to the Father, the Holy Spirit points to Christ. The heart of the gospel is that sinful people can become holy, that those who are afar off can be brought near, that those who were guilty of sin can be made the righteousness of God.  And that can only happen when people are convicted by the Spirit. When you came to Jesus, it was because the Holy Spirit drew you in. When you called upon His name, it is because the Spirit enabled you to do so (1 Cor. 12:3).  The Holy Spirit loves Jesus, and He is inviting people to love Jesus with Him.  He calls us into fellowship with the Trinity (2 Cor. 13:14).

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