What is Revival Society?
Revival Society is the group of monthly partners who give financially to support City Revival Ministries. We have a growing team of people who see the vision and whose lives have been impacted by our ministry. We are believing for 100 monthly partners by the end of 2024, and 1000 monthly partners by the end of 2026. To be a part of Revival Society, all you have to do is start a monthly giving profile with City Revival as we preach the gospel and make disciples in New Orleans and beyond. Those who join Revival Society today will receive Robert Presson's latest devotional book in the mail for FREE. You will find easy instructions below.
1) Select "Monthly" or "Weekly" on the form below
2) Prayerfully select an amount to give monthly or weekly
3) If you want to use a different giving method (PayPal, Venmo),
click the corresponding button below
4) Enter your information or proceed on your app
You will find the form below to be very fast and easy to use:
2) Prayerfully select an amount to give monthly or weekly
3) If you want to use a different giving method (PayPal, Venmo),
click the corresponding button below
4) Enter your information or proceed on your app
You will find the form below to be very fast and easy to use:
Thank you for your partnership in the gospel. If you have questions or if there’s any way we can serve you let us know!
Together With You In His Harvest,
Robert & Franki Presson
City Revival NOLA
Together With You In His Harvest,
Robert & Franki Presson
City Revival NOLA