September 10, 2024

Dear Wonderful Ministry Partners,

Thank you for being a vital part of our Spirit-led soul winning ministry. Your faithful giving and commitment have been key for our mission, enabling us to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to New Orleans and to the ends of the earth.

In this Impact Report, you will find a detailed account of how your support has helped us achieve significant milestones and expand our reach this year. We’ve won countless people to Jesus in one of the darkest neighborhoods in the country, held powerful revival services that have touched hearts, connected with hundreds of thousands of people across social media, seen exponential growth on our digital platforms, hosted many soul-winning missions teams including several groups of young people from ministry schools and Bible colleges, initiated and facilitated events including our annual Mardi Gras Outreach, and we have also been on the foreign mission field, walking through the international doors the Lord has been opening to reach the unreached and spread revival fire in the nations.

Thank you for standing with us in this mission. As we look ahead, we are filled with anticipation for the greater things we can achieve together. Your continued partnership will propel us forward into even more impactful initiatives as we advance God’s Kingdom together.

One of the most important things I’ve learned from my ministry mentors is to develop a kingdom mindset. This year, I have made it my goal to reach out to other ministries and ministers and try to meet their needs. We have been given a building in the middle of the French Quarter to steward — prime real estate in a ripe mission field. While we actively use our facility as a hub of evangelism, revival, and prayer, we realized that if we linked arms with other people in the Body of Christ, we could do more together than we could ever dream of doing apart.
So now, in addition to our prayer meetings, revival services, and evangelism efforts in the building, We have partnered with other local ministries to increase our reach:

  • We are hosting a local church who has lost their building (Vieux Carre Baptist Church). They are currently using the space on Sundays and Wednesdays for services and Bible studies.
  • We partnered with the Well School of Evangelism. They use the space on Friday nights to pray and train people and then go preach on Bourbon Street.
  • We partner with a church called REACH that meets at our location on Saturdays. They play worship music on the streets and direct people to come inside the building and receive food and prayer. They have already led several people to salvation who have come in off the streets.
  • The next ministry that is considering joining us will be hosted by a pastor from across town who wants to draw unbelievers in the French Quarter who have questions about Christianity – an investigative Bible study for the lost and deconstructing.

All of these ministries, as well as others in the future, are using our building free-of-charge. Our ultimate goal is to have night and day prayer in the building, and evangelism every day and every night on the streets, so that there will always be fire on the altar and a gospel witness in the French Quarter. We will start with filling the calendar with prayer and evangelism twice a day, and then fill in the gaps from there.

In the past 12 months, we have hosted many missions teams – those who contacted us to bring a team on their own, as well as those who came to be a part of special events.

Some of the teams we have hosted are:

  • Liberty Church, Arab, AL –  (October 2023)
  • Southwestern AG University, now Nelson University –  (March 2024)
  • Everyheart / Met By Love Movement – (June 2024)
  • Evangelist Luke Remington Ministry Team –  (August 2024)
  • Angela Stress Ministry Team  -- bi-monthly missions trips for street ministry and revival services. Their team consists of people from all over the eastern US who come and partner with us and evangelize on the streets.

Some of the events we have hosted have included:

  • Fall French Quarter Outreach (October-November 2023)
  • Mardi Gras Outreach (February 2024)
  • Seek and Save Outreach (March 2023)
  • Summer of Soul-Winning (June 2024)

During these trips and events, we take time for evangelism training, personal ministry, prayer and impartation. There are altar calls and prophetic words, people are touched by the presence of the wonderful Holy Spirit, and we allow God to do whatever He wants to do in that atmosphere.

Jesus’ ministry was marked by divine appointments. Everywhere He went, He met a need in the moment, and He healed a hurt in the moment. We want to be like Him. That’s how our ministry operates.
When we go out as a group on the streets of the French Quarter, divine appointments are abundant. While I’ve never been one to focus on ministry metrics, the Lord challenged me at a ministry conference this year to set a lifelong goal of winning a million souls, with a strategy to achieve it. So, moving forward, we’ll be more intentional about tracking and sharing the numbers of salvations in our street ministry and other events.

One of our most popular outreaches has been “Red Beans and Christ.” It involves feeding people local New Orleans food and ministering to them as a team. In 2024, we adjusted the schedule of this outreach to be more strategic, allowing us to maximize impact, especially when mission teams come to serve. This adjustment provides greater opportunities for both our local outreach and those who join us from out of town, amplifying the impact of our efforts.

I have preached and ministered in many churches in the New Orleans area this year, including Believers Life Family Church, New Orleans House of Prayer, Assembly Chirstian Church, and House of Refuge. People were saved, healed, delivered, and empowered. My main objectives in these settings usually are:

  • to challenge the people to a higher standard of holiness and a lifestyle of evangelism
  • to get people to the altar to receive a fresh touch from heaven
  • to present testimonies from our ministry and give people an opportunity to come alongside
  • us on the streets, to give, and to partner monthly.

We have continued to hold revival services at our church building at 433 Dauphine Street. There is always dynamic worship, the life-changing proclamation of the gospel message, and a tangible move of the Holy Spirit. Deliverance, prophecy, salvation, and manifestations of the Holy Spirit are common. As we look back on these incredible events, we are grateful for God’s work and anticipate even greater moves of the Spirit in the future.

Through engaging content and strategic outreach, we’ve connected with hundreds of thousands of people, creating a dynamic online community where lives are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit every day. These numbers matter, because they represent lives being touched. Here’s a look at how our digital presence continues to flourish:

In addition to our livestreams and full teachings, our short-form videos have also resonated powerfully with audiences worldwide, amassing millions of views, and resulting in our ministry gaining over 185,000 new followers on Facebook, 6,730 new subscribers on YouTube, and over 25,000 new followers on TikTok before our account got permanently deleted without warning for “hate speech,” because I made a video that said that the Antichrist could possibly Islamic.

Be inspired by some of the most viewed short-form videos in 2024 thus far (view counts are YouTube only, there are thousands more on other platforms):

• War in Israel & Bible Prophecy – 3 Facts (15K views)
• Does War in Israel = Bible Prophecy? (9.8K views)
• The News Hates When People Mention This (6.7K views)
• A Move of God is Sweeping this Generation (2.8K views)
• Who is JESUS to You? (2.4K views)
• SHOCKING Holy Spirit Encounter with Street Preacher (2.4K views) –
• Did I Get My Tire Changed BY AN ANGEL?
• Street Preacher Cussed Out (2.2K views)
• These 3 Events Will Happen When Jesus Returns (2K views)
• If You’re a Christian, This is Your Responsibility! (1.9K views)
• 5 Fast Facts About the Holy Spirit (1.9K views)
• 3 Places You Can Find the Holy Spirit
• You Might Sense God’s Presence Watching This

In addition to our content aimed at Christians, I made a salvation video that has gotten almost 4,000 views and has over 120 people in the comments saying they prayed the sinner’s prayer and gotten saved in response to the gospel presentation in the video, and I wrote a new believers e- book to send out to all of them who reached out via email.

One of the most exciting developments in our online ministry is our partnership with NUMA Streaming. NUMA is the new platform that was founded by my good friend Evangelist David Diga Hernandez. Springing forth from Bro. David’s wildly successful and anointed online ministry, NUMA is a forward-thinking, Netflix-style platform for Christian content creators. NUMA Creators are required to submit a monthly NUMA Exclusive video, as well as weekly teaching content. It is available on the web, iOs/Android apps, Roku, Firestick, and more. What an honor to be invited to this new online venture by one of the best Christian content creators in the world!

Doors are opening in the nations!

In 2023, I received prophetic words about doors opening to the nations within a year.

In December, I got a call from my friend Dustan Stanley, who has an amazing missions ministry called Hasten Nations. He said he was praying and sensed the Lord wanted me to go with to the nations. I spent the month of January in Nepal. I preached every day for three weeks straight, ministering in the largest cities, as well as in several remote villages. We also ministered one-on-one witnessing in the marketplaces with an amazing response from people who otherwise have never heard the gospel. The evangelistic outreaches and revival services for believers were some of the most intense Holy Spirit moves I’ve ever experienced. The level of spiritual hunger was indescribable.

Native Nepali people were called into ministry on this trip and surrendered to the call to go into surrounding villages that have never heard the gospel. As a result of this trip, a new church has been started in one of those villages and people are being saved and baptized there.
While the focus was preaching revival and evangelistic services, we also got to minister in two children’s homes. We gathered the children around and prayed and prophesied over all of them. I lost it when I was prophesying through an interpreter and looked down and saw tears flowing from all of their faces, and several of them trembling under the power of God. It was a holy moment.

In addition to our connection in Nepal and South Asia, we have received several invites to other nations and regions this past year. It’s exciting because the invites line up with our spiritual DNA: revival, evangelism, and evangelism training. We are seeing strategic relationships being formed. We are seeking the Lord about what the future looks like in terms of our relationship with the foreign mission field while being faithful to what the Lord has called us to in New Orleans.

This is only the beginning! Your continued partnership helps us walk through those doors to further the Great Commission and advance the kingdom of God on the earth.

If the Lord is speaking to you about supporting us monthly, or giving a generous special offering, or even increasing your monthly giving amount, CLICK HERE to invest in the gospel and make an impact with us!

I’m writing this to you from Fort Worth, Texas. We are taking a short furlough here to pray into the future, to get some much-needed time as a family, to build vital ministry relationships, and to aggressively raise financial support. We have been going non-stop through some intense ministry, but also trials and spiritual warfare in New Orleans. But now we are taking a moment to tighten the tape on our gloves before getting back in the ring!

Franki and I are growing together and actively enriching our marriage. Dax is 14 and flourishing in his relationship with the Lord and with worship and is also honing his skateboard skills daily. Evie turned 9 (going on 30) this week and loves arts and crafts. Gracie is 23, married, and her and Weston are expecting in November.
Reflecting on the remarkable impact we've achieved together this year, we are deeply grateful for you. Your unwavering support, generous contributions, and faithful prayers have been the driving force behind this ministry, enabling us to share the life-changing message of Jesus Christ with countless people. Every soul saved, every life transformed, and every miracle witnessed has been made possible through your partnership in this mission. You've sown seeds that are producing eternal fruit, and for that, we are profoundly thankful.

Together With You in His Harvest,

Robert and Franki Presson